About us

Platform Calgary is a non-profit, member based organization. Our mandate is to bring together the resources of Calgary's tech ecosystem to help startups launch and grow at every step of their journey, from ideation to scale.

Strategic support for Calgary’s tech ecosystem

We know that a thriving tech community plays a key role in creating jobs and growing a local economy. We have seen the benefits of a dynamic innovation economy in global hubs like London, New York, Toronto, and Silicon Valley.

Our advantage? We've learned from the best, and we are putting a Calgary spin on it. By leveraging the entrepreneurial spirit, we can establish Calgary as an economic powerhouse for generations to come. Platform Calgary is bringing together founders and their teams, corporate and community partners, investors and tech talent all under one roof.

Meet the #yycTech community
  • 1,300+ Entrepreneurs supported through programs and mentorship
  • 500+Member tech companies
  • 120+Ecosystem builders helping startups

Made possible by donations from generous Calgarians & with funding from:

Our vision

Making Calgary the best place in the world for anyone to start and grow a tech business.

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Our team

We're passionate about supporting startups and innovators.

The Platform Innovation Centre is open to everyone

From resources and mentorship, to programming and events, we have what you're looking for.

Learn about the Innovation Centre
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