Community Events
5th Global Conference on African Business and Technology (GCABT) (Day 1)

5th Global Conference on African Business and Technology (GCABT) (Day 1)

  • June 28, 2024
  • 9:00 am
    4:00 pm
  • Ambrose University

5th Global Conference on African Business and Technology (GCABT) - June 28-30 - Calgary, Canada

The core objective of the African Business and Technology Conference, helmed by Global Conference Alliance Inc., is to foster a collaborative platform that bridges the intersection of business and technology in Africa’s rapidly evolving landscape. We aim to spotlight the continent’s burgeoning tech hubs, innovation in sectors from fintech to agriculture, and the transformative power of digital solutions in addressing socio-economic challenges.

This conference seeks to engage leaders, participants, investors, and innovators in dialogues that promote investment, inclusivity, and sustainable growth, with a special emphasis on harnessing local talents and resources. Through interactive discussions, workshops, and networking avenues, participants will be equipped with the insights and tools necessary to navigate Africa’s digital transformation journey, while respecting its rich cultural fabric.

Entrepreneurs, business leaders, and technology professionals from various sectors should attend this pivotal event. Additionally, investors looking for opportunities in Africa, policymakers aiming to understand the evolving business and tech landscape, and educators focused on future trends will find immense value. Startups eager to scale, researchers uncovering the next big innovation, and organizations dedicated to fostering inclusivity and sustainability in the African market will greatly benefit.

The GCABT stands as a beacon of unparalleled insights into Africa’s booming tech and business sectors. Attending offers a unique vantage to grasp emerging trends, tap into lucrative investment avenues, and engage with the continent’s brightest minds. It’s a golden opportunity to foster collaborations, harness innovative solutions, and drive sustainable growth.

  • Registration Deadline: June 14, 2024
  • Conference Date: June 29, 2024

Program Schedule:

  • Friday, June 28, 2024 – Arrival & Reception of the participants to Calgary, Canada
  • Saturday, June 29, 2024 (Conference Day) – Registration, opening speech, keynote speech, and technical sessions.
  • Sunday, June 30, 2024 – City visit (optional to the participants).

Event Address:

150 Ambrose Circle Southwest Calgary, AB T3H 0L5

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